Simple Small
Group Messaging

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication for small groups
seamless and user friendly.

Get More Done With


Mark, did you finish that report? I need to send it out soon.

Yeah just waiting on the sales summary from @Emily and we’ll be good to go.

Working on it now. Should have it to you in the next half hour!

Group Chat With


You guys want to meet up for dinner tonight? 😀

Sure. Any ideas? I get off work at 6 and can meet you there. 🥳

Yea, sounds good to me. I could really go for Italian... 🥰

Coordinate With


Hey buddy, can you clean the kitchen before Mom gets home?

I'll think about it? 😇

I'm leaving work now. You better hurry!

How Clip Works

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make
cummunication for small groups seamless and user friendly.

Create Account

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication for small groups seamless and user friendly.

Invite People

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication for small groups seamless and user friendly.

Accomplish It All

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication for small groups seamless and user friendly.

Unique Features

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication
for small groups seamless and user friendly.

Easy Chatting

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication for.

Task Reminders

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication for.

Quick Calendar

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication for.

Simple Invitations

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication for.

Download The App

Clip makes small group communiction extremely simple. Our platform was built to make cummunication for small groups seamless and user friendly.

Finished the scope. I just posted it to the file cabinet.

Checking it out now.

Looks good. I’m going to begin the Customer Demographics.

Download Clip

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